NSIS nightmares

From: Sinitsyn Valentine (Valentine.Sinitsyn@usu.ru)
Date: Fri Apr 11 2003 - 01:50:53 EDT

  • Next message: Mark Gilbert: "Re: render me, baby: bug 4851"


    it seems I've solved a problem of compiling NSIS in MinGW environment.
    At least, sources from http://nsis.sourceforge.net work fine. The
    solution is simple: one must explicitly set entry point for
    exehead.exe to WinMainCRTStartup. I've accomplished this by adding '--entry
    _WinMainCRTStartup' to linker options. A question is: is it portable
    enough? I.e. wouldn't it fail if one will use another version of GCC
    or ld? If it is okay, I'll modify abiword make scripts for NSIS
    accordingly and post them to this list.


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