List numbering..

From: William Lachance (
Date: Wed Apr 23 2003 - 15:22:55 EDT

  • Next message: Jesse W: "Meta-User problems"

    I'm currently refactoring the AbiWord WordPerfect plugin to handle
    libwpd's implementation of lists. I'm trying to do a better job of
    handling weird cases than I did before: one of these weird cases is the
    "renumbering of a list in the middle of a list". For example, in
    WordPerfect it's possible to define a list like so:

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    1. One
    2. Two

    AbiWord would _seem_ to allow this by setting the "start-value" element
    when you define the list element's paragraph properties (it's also
    defined in the document list definition). However, setting this value
    seems to have no effect. For example: this chunk of AbiWord XML..


    <p level="1" listid="451835450" parentid="0" props="start-value:0;
    text-indent:-0.300000in; list-style:0; field-font:NULL;
    margin-left:0.500000in"><c props="list-tag:186795337"></c><field
    type="list_label"></field><c props="font-weight:normal;
    font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:12.000pt;
    font-style:normal"> Five.</c></p>
    <p props="text-align:left"><c props="font-weight:normal;
    font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:12.000pt;
    font-style:normal">Starting all over again:</c></p>
    <p level="1" listid="451835450" parentid="0" props="start-value:1;
    text-indent:-0.300000in; list-style:0; field-font:NULL;
    margin-left:0.500000in"><c props="list-tag:1094088751"></c><field
    type="list_label"></field><c props="font-weight:normal;
    font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:12.000pt;
    font-style:normal"> One.</c></p>

    You would expect the paragraph "One" to be renumbered at "1", but no, it
    gets "6".

    Any ideas? It's possible to work around this (by creating a new list),
    but the filter code would be a lot cleaner if this were allowed.

    William Lachance <>

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