Commit: 4071, 5333

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 21:17:23 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: 4976"

    These both had a slew of dupes associated with them.

    4071 should hopefully now be fixed. Silly array
    out-of-bounds error choking up valgrind.

    5333 is a bit more subtle - it had to do with how we
    handled exceptions. What I committed should hopefully
    fix the problem, though I can't be entirely sure of
    it. Older versions of G++ (3.0 and earlier, IIRC) and
    some versions of MSVC have issues with the:

    type method(params) throw(EXCEPTION)

    clause. Also, since we don't really care about what
    data type we catch, I made us use UT_CATCH_ANY instead
    of catching a particular type. Hopefully, in
    conjunction, we should be safe again.


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