Re: MinGW build of 1.99.5 available

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 08:57:48 EDT

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Translations for Abiword 2.0"

    (The original message was lost somewhere between my ISP's pop server
     and my email client.)

    >I'm not sure if the abiword-docs module built correctly as
    No they did not.

    >it seems to require Perl and complains about CVS directories:
    Perl is now an optional dependency and an acceptable addition
    (find is also optional, but has little impact if the line with
    it is commented out). Without perl, everything still builds,
    you just don't get Help. [thankfully ls and basename are no
    longer also required]

    >Found abiword-docs in peer directory - building help files
    >aboutos.abw /usr/bin/env: perl: No such file or directory
    ><and many other similar complaints>
    You need to manually correct the path to perl in
    to point to where you actually have perl (Cygwin's may work, though
    I find the ActiveState version works better in general). Given
    the complaint I would think it failed to correctly build them,
    and checking, yes it failed (the files exist but are 0 bytes).
    I think the path of perl in the file should be changed to something
    like /usr/bin/perl or whatever the proper Unix path is.

    >find: /home/Default/abiword-1.99.5/abi/src/MINGW32_1.0.9_i386_OBJ/AbiSuite/AbiWord/help/en-US/CVS: No such file or
    ><and many other similar complaints>
    The find error may be ignored, it was explained to me (thank you)
    that the find line simply deletes the unnecessary CVS directories
    from the help docs (though I suspect the tarball lacks them, hence
    your error about not finding them, couldn't say for sure though as
    I simply commented out that line locally as I don't have find

    Did you finish getting the plugins to build or did you get stuck
    on some of the dependencies?


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