Re: Commit: Albanian and Latvian

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 08:31:25 EDT

  • Next message: Kenneth J. Davis: "Re[2]: MinGW build of 1.99.5 available"

    > lv-LV.strings was not built automatically in my
    > mingw 1.99.5 build. Does anyone know why?

    Yeah. It's because the people who have been committing
    the .po files haven't been running the 'backport'
    script to generate the .strings from them. So now we
    have a bad mix of good and outdated .po files coupled
    with a mix of good and outdated .strings, and I'm not
    sure anyone knows which is which...

    Andrew, can you please look into this?


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