Fwd: Abi Word [jtaber (symbol) johntaber (point) net]

From: Eric Zen (ericzen_at_ez-net.com)
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 11:17:55 EST

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "Commit (STABLE): Re: Commit: start of GR_Painter, fix few bugs"

    On 031215:0027 John Taber wrote:
    Great work.
    1) Despite all the rave about open office, I dare find anyone to say it's as
    open as abiword - In OO I don't see any developer logs, bug counts, feature
    request scores, or even roadmaps. The really "open" projects (both gnome and
    kde) have taught me plenty about how to effectively develop software.

    2) Any word on AbiShow? with Flash export? please!

    3) re rtf vs doc - we now see the most widely used attachment format is pdf
    (since most attachments are really for reading). So since you already have
    more or less perfected rtf, the pdf export should be at top of the list. dot
    docs are dead.

    4) Don't really understand the difference between the gnome and gtk versions -
    maybe you could include an explanation somewhere.

    5) Abi and porn - well, sorry to say, but porn is where all the money is so
    maybe riches will come to abiword :)

    I really enjoy the Weekly News.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Dec 15 2003 - 11:17:16 EST