Updated release notes.

From: Martin Sevior (msevior_at_seviorpc.ph.unimelb.edu.au)
Date: Thu Dec 18 2003 - 21:24:24 EST

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "AbiWord-2.1.0 Released!"

    AbiWord-2.1.0 Released!

    Three months and 73,000 lines of code after our 2.0 release, the AbiWord
    team is pleased to announce the first snapshot of our new development
    branch, AbiWord-2.1.0.

    This branch will eventually become AbiWord-2.2

    The release has all the bug fixes made to AbiWord-2.0 plus the following
    new features.

          * Substantial speed ups for large document loading . (A factor 7
            times faster for large documents.)
          * Substantial speed ups for large table manipulations.
          * Much less flickering.
          * All documents instantly zoom to the requested size. (Including
            very large ones).
          * Set images as backgrounds to pages.
          * Initial work to enable SWIG scripting of AbiWord.
          * Set images as backgrounds to table cells.
          * Table columns can be selected, copied, cut, pasted and dragged
            and dropped visually.
          * Split cells for Tables.
          * Text Boxes.
          * Initial work for a floating Style Pane.
          * Visual copy/cut/paste of text. (You can visually drag text with
            your mouse to where you want to place it)
          * Import HTML tables into AbiWord
          * Substantial improvements to revisions.
          * Revision history.
          * Rollback or roll forward of revisions.
          * Compare documents and make revisions from the differences.
          * Simple C-interface to enable AbiWord to be used as a document
    Users should be aware that the features listed here are not yet bug free
    and that more new features will be added for the AbiWord-2.2 release.

    Binaries for AbiWord-2.1.0 are available from

    The AbiWord developers encourage users to test this build and report
    bugs to http://bugzilla.abisource.com/


    Abi the ant and her intrepid hackers and translators.

    (Daniel Glassey, Dom Lachowicz,Francis J. Franklin, Hubert
    Figuiere,Daniel Furrer, Tommy Lee, Jeremy Davis, Jordi Mas, Christian
    Neumair, Mark Gilbert, Martin Sevior, Nadav Rotem, Johan Björk, Pierre
    Abbat, Francisco Javier Fernandez Serrador,Nikolai Shmirev, Raphael
    Fink, Rui Miguel Seabra, Tomas Frydrych, Marc Maurer)

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