commit: win32 installer work

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Wed Dec 24 2003 - 20:20:23 EST

  • Next message: Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan: "Malay (ms-MY) string update"

    With this commit I've got it so adding support for languages other than
    English to the Windows installer is a simple as adding
      ${LANG_LOAD} "Name"
    where "Name" is the language name as supported by NSIS (e.g. "English")
      copying abi_lng_English.nsh to abi_lng_Name.nsh
    and of course the hard part of translating all the strings to the
    new language.

    As strings are added, the installer will default to the English
    defined ones and emit a warning (presently all but English show this
    warning). Once we actually get some translations, I can change this
    to show exactly which strings are missing a translation, but currently
    that would be huge [ie all of them for every language other than

    I still have some cleanup work, but I'm slowing working on all the
    installer issues connected with the NSIS meta bug 6079, then I'll
    see about getting the strings in a format easier for translators
    [possibly adding them to our Strings files and writing a tool to
     convert to the NSIS include file].


    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: AbiWord.nsi abi_lng_Bulgarian.nsh abi_lng_Czech.nsh
    CVS: abi_lng_Dutch.nsh abi_lng_English.nsh abi_lng_French.nsh
    CVS: abi_lng_German.nsh abi_lng_Greek.nsh abi_lng_Italian.nsh
    CVS: abi_lng_Japanese.nsh abi_lng_Polish.nsh
    CVS: abi_lng_PortugueseBR.nsh abi_lng_Russian.nsh
    CVS: abi_lng_SimpChinese.nsh abi_lng_Spanish.nsh
    CVS: abi_lng_TradChinese.nsh abi_lng_Ukrainian.nsh
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    more simplification and properly support fallback to default language
    for missing strings in translations

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Wed Dec 24 2003 - 20:21:42 EST