Re: commit: Complete Styles Dialog fixes.

Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 18:00:01 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Bug 6143"

    > According to
    > <>:
    >> Complete fixes to Styles Dialog.
    >> This now works as I would like. I hope the other platforms match the
    >> correct behaviour shown by the Unix dialog.
    > What should be done ?
    The correct behaviour!

    Which is: A style which is basedon on another style should only display
    the properties that are different from the basedon style in the
    description part of the "modify styles" dialog.

    The preview should always accurately represent how the styles look.

    Changing the basedon style should change the appearance of the current
    style as needed and the description of the current style should show just
    the different properties between it and the basedon style.

    Changing any properties of the current style (including the numbering
    properties) should always affect the current style as users expect.

    On unix the styles dialog was broken with regard to all these behaviours.
    It is now fixed. Since the Unix dialog was broken badly but didn't get
    brought to our attention with the urgency it should have, I hope the
    dialog on other platforms isn't also badly broken.


    > Hub
    > --
    > AbiWord maintainer - Lille, France
    > GPG fingerprint: 6C44 DB3E 0BF3 EAF5 B433 239A 5FEE 05E6 A56E 15A3

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