my converter tool project (partial success)

From: Seth Delackner (
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 14:12:18 EST

  • Next message: Seth Delackner: "doc -> rtf lists yields assertion error?"

    So I've managed thus far to get a working subset of the abiword source (with a
    few files modified and a few more completely butchered, like xap_App and

    After some initial joy at converting doc->rtf and seeing good output, I am
    already seeing some minor issues that I'm not sure are my fault or if they are
    just not done yet.

    The RTF that abiword produces for bullet lists displays bullet lists in
    abiword, but opening them in Microsoft word shows just a normal list.
    Similarly, the wingdings.doc conversion produces a completely blank page. I
    see that abiword does the same, but I wonder if there is any progress on this?

    If anyone would like a tar of the working source tree (it is still pretty ugly
    and hacked. I have seperate copies of several directories in the tree and I
    depend on assuming the all the various support libraries were already built
    during a build of the main program) then please email me. Once it is a bit
    more cleaned up (hopefully just a patch file to the main tree) I'll mail the
    list with a URL to the source. My Makefile has hardwired Mac specific
    directories (like abi/src/MACOSX_6.3_ppc_OBJ/obj/libAbi_libiconv.a) but my
    source should build on any platform since any platform specific stuff I stubbed

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