AbiWord Weekly News #132 (2003, week 08) released

From: E . A . Zen (ericzen@ez-net.com)
Date: Wed Feb 26 2003 - 01:08:24 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: 4573"

    this will be automated some day...maybe this month if something magical

    Layfolk here: http://www.abisource.com/news
    Community reporters here: http://www.abisource.com/information/news/2003/awn132.phtml

    This week in development:

           A few notable bugs get squashed this week, which has nothing to do with Seth Delackner creating his own doc to rtf converter. If you don't have interest in that still young project, perhaps you'd like to update your cvs copy of HEAD for Martin's AbiWidget work, making AbiCommand functional once again and bonobo the primary GNOME target project ^_^ Frank commits acts of wrapper-cide while helping Reuben D. Budiardja with some plugin issues. And, mirror mirror, Alan Horkan helps out Alan Rowan for something that entertained your editor for a whole minute (and then some!). Oh, by the by, did you hear that Hub's considering a release of 1.0.5 with the closing off of crash on print issues for Windows users?

    Je Suis L'Morse,
    E. A. Zen

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