abiconvert project (alpha release for test only)

From: Seth Delackner (seth@jtan.com)
Date: Fri Feb 28 2003 - 19:44:12 EST

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: abiconvert project (alpha release for test only)"

    First, a preface. This tool is obviously not needed by the developer
    community, because abiword has the -to conversion option. However, by
    extracting the conversion functionality I (and my employer, though come on, I
    am speaking 100% for myself and not for them here) hope to see MsWord
    compatibility stop being an issue for end users of any word processor
    (including of course, our own).

    Dom said someone already stole the wv source, and that is a shame. I know all
    this code is GPL, and when our product uses it it will by opening a shell task,
    running the converter, and then reading the converted file. I think that is
    pretty legitimate, no?

    here's my current source:

    And a built executable for Mac OS 10.2:

    To run it, just type:
    ./abiconvert infile.insuffix outfile.outsuffix

    I think it only supports import/export of RTF, Abiword, HTML, Doc. I haven't
    figured out yet whether to just include the plugins exporters or just link them
    in the old way. Probably the latter.

    I would have made it all just one big patch that you can apply to a copy of the
    source tree, but since my tree only includes a small subset of all the files I
    couldn't figure out how to make a patch that only contains the changed files.
    diff -Naur would try to stuff all missing files into the patch).

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