to all bidi testers and developers

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Sun Jan 19 2003 - 07:45:47 EST

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "commit: further bidi stuff"

    After four busy months at work I am back working on AW. Having
    browsed through the bugzilla, I am very pleased to see many good
    bidi bug reports, and I want to thank to all the reporters for taking
    their time for this, in spite of little being done about the reports
    recently. The bugs can be divided into several large groups (below),
    all of which need to be tackled prior to the 2.0 release; this will mean
    lot more testing, reporting, testing, reporting ...

    Because of there being too substantial differences between the bidi
    code in the STABLE and HEAD trees, and because of my time
    being limited, I am only going to work on the HEAD, and will need
    bug reports based on the HEAD code (there are win32 binaries
    available from the website on daily basis).

    Main Problems
    1. GUI Bugs
    There are a number of problems with the bidi processing in the user
    interface. This mainly concerns the *nix port, but not exclusively. I
    have made some changes already that should be a start in
    addresing the *nix problem, and fresh feedback is needed.

    2. Windows specific ordering bugs
    There are a number of problems with the bidi processing of the main
    window on Win32; these are caused by my past decision to use the
    win32 built-in bidi processing when it is there due to difficulties with
    turning it off. I have decided to have another shot on bypassing the
    built-in processing in the main window and relying on FriBiDi only,
    and I think I have come up with a way of doing that. The changes
    were commited earlier today, and I will need fresh feedback. (I
    personally can only test the code on non-Bidi Win98 at present,
    which behaves significantly different that the bidi-enabled versions
    of Windows, and works rather well.)

    3. Rendering bugs
    There are a number of bugs with rendering of text on screen after
    basic editing operations (RTL text suddenly appearing left-to-right,
    etc.). I have a good idea where the problem lies, but bug reports
    with short reproducible examples are of great help here.

    4. Document import
    There are a number of problems with document import from RTF
    and Word formats. These are the most difficult to deal with because
    they are often caused by bad design decisions taken by an
    unnamed company (let he who reads understand). The key here is
    again in every such problem being logged into bugzilla, with a short
    sample document and screenshots of what the rendering should be
    and what it is.

    I am confident that we can get the bidi work well by the 2.0 release,
    but I cannot do it on my own, so please keep the bugreports coming.


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