(no subject)

From: Mary Corder (mcorder@conwaycorp.net)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 20:29:08 EST

  • Next message: Mary Corder: "Re: AbiWord documentation"

    I'm sure you guys get these kinds of questions all the time, but I was
    hoping someone could provide me with some information on how to become
    involved in contributing to the AbiWord documentation project.  I am a
    professional technical writer, and I recently started working on my
    Masters in Professional & Technical Writing part-time.  For my software
    documentation class, my semester project is to create Tutorial/How-To
    information for an existing software application, so I selected
    AbiWord.  I have been wanting to become more involved in the open
    source community, so I figured this was a perfect way to get started.

    Thanks in advance,
    Mary Corder

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