Updated Chinese translation for AbiWord 1.1.3

From: Anthony Fok (anthony@thizlinux.com)
Date: Fri Jan 31 2003 - 14:31:22 EST

  • Next message: Kenneth J. Davis: "Re: commit - [HEAD] expat upgrade"

    Dear all,

    Attached is an updated Chinese translation for AbiWord 1.1.3.

    While just about all translated items are correctly displayed in
    zh_CN.UTF-8 and zh_TW.UTF-8 locales, it is not so in non-UTF-8 locales
    such as zh_CN.GB2312 or zh_TW.Big5. Under these locales, upon opening
    up a dialog box or text box, warning messages like the ones below are shown:

       WARNING **: Invalid UTF8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

       Gdk-WARNING **: Error converting from UTF-8 to 'GB2312': Invalid byte sequence in conversion input

       Gtk-WARNING **: Invalid input string

    Note that some dialog boxes function display Chinese text perfectly,
    e.g. Insert->Break, Insert->Page Numbers, Format->Paragraph, etc.
    The ones that don't display properly are: Format->Font, Tools->Set Language,
    etc. Ditto for "Input Method" in the right-click pop-up menu; the
    "Close without saving" button,

    Perhaps it is partly due to an incomplete transition from Gtk1 to
    Gtk2? There were similar problems in Synaptic (APT graphical
    frontend by Conectiva/Debian) some time ago, but fortunately they are now
    all fixed.

    Thanks in advance,


    Anthony Fok Tung-Ling
    ThizLinux Laboratory   <anthony@thizlinux.com> http://www.thizlinux.com/
    Debian Chinese Project <foka@debian.org>       http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
    Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp!           http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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