new abibits module

From: Francis James Franklin (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 10:19:56 EDT

  • Next message: Petr Tomasek: "Problems with RH9 rpp"

    I've added a new module to abisource CVS called "abibits". This is
    something that PlaidRab & I have been working on, a ProjectBuilder
    project for MacOSX which creates a Cocoa framework (called
    "AbiBits.framework", amazingly enough) based on AbiWord's utils sources
    and a few other bits of code here and there.

    The project currently contains a secondary target, an application
    called HanAbi, which I am working on. This should build, but is
    unlikely to run atm. I'm writing it as a test case for the UT_Tree
    stuff I've been developing in abiword-plugins/wp/impexp/awml/xp/ but
    that is just the beginning.

    The project requires that "abi" and "AbiCocoaDep.framework"
    ( be
    parallel to "abibits".

    Working with fire,

      9. Has the work, for you, a metaphysical dimension? Yes ( ) No ( )
    10. What is it (twenty-five words or less)?

                                                - Snow White, Donald

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