New Server (BlueAnt) status

From: Marc Maurer (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 14:17:39 EDT

  • Next message: Alan Horkan: "Re: commit: Fix Insert Rows, Table controls outside margins."

    Just a post to keep you informed what's going on on the new server
    finance & hardware side:

    >From the AbiFund, I received $700, which was transformed to a mere 592
    EUR :( Grrrrr!. Additionally, I received 50EUR from an "not so
    undisclosed" source, which gave me a total of 642 EUR in donations!
    Thanks to all donators for the support (you know who you are)!

    With this money, I bought the following hardware:

    Component Price (in EUR)
    Asus P4533-MX motherboard 80
    Intel Pentium 4, 2.4 Ghz, 533 190
    Kingston 512 MB DDR333 RAM 90
    Samsung 7200RPM 40 GB HD 80
    Procase IPC-C2S 19" Rack Case[1] 346
    Total 786

    This give me a deficiency of 786 - 642 = 144 EUR, which I added myself
    as a donation.

    All hardware, except for the casing has arrived. The casing should
    arrive within 1 week. I assembled the server and installed Red Hat Linux
    8.0 on it. Furthermore, I've been stress testing if for about 2 weeks
    now: it handled over 10 TB of traffic via Apache, without a glitch.

    When the server casing arrives, I'll transfer it to the University of
    Twente network bunker as soon as possible.

    Pleas be patient :)


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