Re: POW - round trip XHTML. Minimum Gnome Office requirement.

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Jun 23 2003 - 15:29:07 EDT

  • Next message: M. Fioretti: "Re: Should we force GNOME dependency?"

    > All of this is a little much for a single POW, but I
    > think Martin's
    > emphasis is on round-trip XHTML table import/export.

    Yes, indeed. Personally, I'm tempted to make your
    libxml2-based HTML plugin mandatory and be done with

    > Question: Are custom clip-board types supported?
    > XHTML is basically a
    > document structure and the copy&paste of a single
    > table is encumbered
    > by the document superstructure, i.e.:

    I done't understand what you mean by "custom". We can
    support any type of data on the clipboard in theory.
    In practice, the order in which you register things on
    the clipboard has a profound effect on the types of
    things you get back. This is why we don't support
    dynamic clipboard registry for any importer/exporter.

    Eg. if this clipboard ordering happens (which is
    likely since HTML is strcmp ordered befor RTF):


    and we cut+paste to ourselves, we'll get HTML
    round-tripped instead of RTF, with greatly diminished
    quality of result. There needs to be a *lot* more
    thought on how to do this intelligently. Dataloss and
    formatting loss is unacceptable.

    > and I'm often tempted just to prune the peripheral
    > elements, i.e.:

    No please don't do this. We'll want to export the
    document in its entirety to the clipboard, including
    any <html> etc.. elements that you'd find
    "unnecessary". The entity on the clipboard, regardless
    of its format (rtf, html, ...), should be a valid,
    standalone document.

    > After all, what does gnumeric do when faced when a
    > whole document? Or
    > does it assume that the document contains a single
    > table?

    This needs to be codified moreso.


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