Re: selection drawing

From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Sat Jun 28 2003 - 09:19:42 EDT

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "commit: center dialogs for win32 and show full language name when spellchecker is not present"

    According to Tomas Frydrych <>:
    > We currently draw the selection rectangles using fillRect() function,
    > and this is not optimal. It would be better if we had a xorRect()
    > function and use it instead. The main benefit would be that the text
    > of the whole run could be drawn in a single go in a single colour.
    > While the performance gain is probably negligeable, it would mean no
    > need to decompose ligatures on selection boundaries. (The screen
    > redraw always starts with filling the base rectangle with background
    > colour, so this would not mean the dirt problems we experienced with
    > the carret.)

    1/ I'm against the use of XOR for various reason, including the fact that
    XOR on CoreGraphics is PITA (thanks Apple engineers for that).

    2/ text selection should be in the color defined by the system. For
    example, on MacOS X, if I setup light green as being the highlight
    color for selected text (system preference). Then selection should be
    (and is) in light green (text should be black unlike it is done by


    Unemployed AbiWord maintainer - Lille, France 
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