AbiWord Weekly News #142 (2003, week 18) released

From: E . A . Zen (ericzen@ez-net.com)
Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 05:25:08 EDT

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "CVS mirror out of sync!"

    Issue #142 has been released.

    Layfolk here: http://www.abisource.com/news
    Community reporters here: http://www.abisource.com/information/news/2003/awn142.phtml

    This week in development

          Is GNOME Office planning a sneak attack on Windows? An Open Forum can never be called sneaky, so, no. Win32 printing bugs have a potential fix...if someone could actually get to them.

          We get some updated information about the State of Bidi of the Executor and Chief of Bidi for Abiword, Tomas Frydrych. At the same time, the Mail Merge plugin is officially reaches full functionalilty, while the Open Text Summarization tool makes its big debut in Abiword's CVS, Speaking of premiers in the CVS, we now have THREE tutorials for the first time Abiword user, thanks to a technical writing course and too many people lacking communications skills and tutorials for their MUAs (that's a joke, but it will make sense to you in a bit).

          By the way, 1.9.1 is coming out, today.

    Have a wing-dingy day,
    E. A. Zen

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Sun May 04 2003 - 05:34:35 EDT