Patch II for bug 5037: Remember past values (for Find and Replace)

From: Marc aka Foddex (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 16:28:11 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: Patch II for bug 5037: Remember past values (for Find and Replace)"


    this is the same patch again, but with a few changes:
    - no more UT_UCS4Char_strcpy-thingy, I use the UT_UCS4String class
    - no more manual malloc/free
    - the build should break with non Linux operating systems

    But, I didn't do:
    - glade stuff, uwog will do this
    - the m_windowName[100] change, uwog told me to make a different patch for
    that, will do

    Hope this is more the way you like it :)


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