Re: [Libwpd-devel] Footnotes/endnotes question

From: William Lachance (
Date: Sun May 11 2003 - 18:02:23 EDT

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "commit: fix for bug 5077 (part I)"

    On Sun, 2003-05-11 at 06:05, Marc Maurer wrote:
    > William, it is nescesary that we call openSection && openParagaph for
    > the footnotes "content". AbiWord for example does not really like this,
    > and I need some hackery around it. I don't know how OOo handles
    > footnotes though.

    Hmm. Does AbiWord not allow margin changes inside of a footnote?
    Wouldn't a section be necessary to allow for this functionality?

    OOo handles a footnote roughly like this:

    My footnote text goes here.

    (inserted directly after the footnote reference)

    wpd2sxw actually does not allow a section inside a footnote: it
    interprets margin changes as a paragraph property, "faking" the insert
    of a section (as it does everywhere, actually).

    I am open to suggestions on how to handle this within libwpd to best
    support our target applications.

    William Lachance <>

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