dropping BeOS port

From: Hubert Figuiere (hfiguiere@teaser.fr)
Date: Mon May 12 2003 - 16:58:16 EDT

  • Next message: Joaquin Cuenca Abela: "RE : abiword 1.9.x installation breaks because of pangoxft"

    Hi all,

    Given that we don't have any maintainer for the BeOS port of AbiWord,
    and given that updating the tree to 2.0 will be quite a lot of work
    (trust me), I'll drop any BeOS code from CVS for the 2.0 release of
    AbiWord. This will unclutter the source tree and reduce tarball size.

    This decision is final, unless some seriously commit and do something
    in the BeOS tree.
    Note that 1.0.x never got released for BeOS, that will probably not


    Unemployed AbiWord maintainer - http://www.figuiere.net/hub/
    Cell-phone: +33 6 18 01 42 11 - AIM: hfiguiere
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