Re: unique id generation

From: F J Franklin (
Date: Tue May 20 2003 - 11:23:40 EDT

  • Next message: Omer Zak: "Use text timestamps? Re: unique id generation"

    On Tue, 20 May 2003, F J Franklin wrote:
    > The real problem is not the generation of unique IDs, which is simple
    > enough to do, but rather the merging of document fragments each of which
    > has its own set of IDs and ID references. When merging documents, the
    > safest method (though probably very difficult as long as we use linear
    > import) is to replace all IDs with new document-unique IDs and to map all
    > ID references to the appropriate new IDs.

    Thinking about it, what importers need to do is:

    every time an ID or ID reference is encountered, the ID is looked up in a
    map to see whether the ID was encountered previously and if so replace the
    ID with the appropriate mapping; if this is the first time the ID has been
    encountered then generate a new ID, add to the map, and replace.

    where it gets slightly interesting is where we have user-named IDs (i.e.,
    bookmarks) because how should these be renamed? should they be renamed at
    all? if you are copy&pasting then what?


    Ciao, Frank

    Francis James Franklin

    After we were introduced I noticed that both of them were carrying
    three-foot-long machetes. I hate hiking with convicts carrying machetes.

                                            - Susan Orlean, The Orchid Thief

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