Mac port status

From: Hubert Figuiere (
Date: Mon May 26 2003 - 11:21:55 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "commit (HEAD)"

    Hi all,

    For a few weeks, I have been working on the MacOS X port of AbiWord.
    Despite my previous e-mail on the subject
    0216.html>), the port hasn't been halted for more than 2 or 3 days.
    When I wrote that rant, I was really angry. And also it appears that
    news site, seeking for scoop that make noise, did repeat that in the
    headlines, without knowing what it was up to... (call that information,
    I call that rumor spreading).

    I started to think again. I do the Mac port only for the benefit
    AbiWord project and its users. Stopping it would probably hurt the
    AbiWord project more than everyone else. After a day or two, I decided
    to continue my work in "stealth mode", ie I did not announce what I was

    For anyone interested, I have setup a page where you can find the
    current status of the port: <>. I hope to
    have something that works for 2.0, but I don't promise anything.
    Release will be ready when it will. You can also follow the progression
    on my Advogato blog : <>.

    Please, be sure to read the following Q&A before asking questions:

    Q: Have you been pressured to work or to not work on the Mac port ?
    A: No, not at all. I'm the only one to decide whether I should work the
    Mac port or not.

    Q: Is there a binary I can test out ?
    A: No.

    Q: Is the source code available ?
    A: sure it is. It is in CVS. checkout the module "abicocoa", read the
    instruction, and you can build it with Project Builder or with the
    autoconfigured makefiles.

    Q: Will AbiWord 2.0 be released with a MacOS X port ?
    A: I don't know. Anyway there will still be the X/Darwin port that
    require X11.

    Q: Have you found a new job ?
    A: No


    Unemployed AbiWord maintainer -
    Cell: +33 6 18 01 42 11 - AIM, Yahoo!: hfiguiere ICQ: 307453487
    Any HTML e-mail sent to me will be discarded.

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