commit (HEAD): partial fix for 5175

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 08:38:22 EDT

  • Next message: Tomas Frydrych: "commit (wv): sprm.c"

    Fixed handling of margins and page sizes and provides partial fix for

    The 5175 doc loads, but asserts on the final table. The problem: all
    tables contained in the document are wider that the area between page
    margins, but still narrower than the page size, and they all have a
    negative left margin (i.e., starting inside the left page margin). In
    AW they all get positioned with 0 left margin (starting where the
    left page margin ends), which results in the final table stretching
    beyond the right edge.

    AFAICT Word does not position the table as a whole by the negative
    margin, but each individual cell (column), which should not be a big
    problem, since we have "table-column-leftpos" property. Perhaps later

    files: ie_imp_MSWord_97.cpp/h


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