Fix for bug 428: Hitting return at the beginning of a paragraph changes font (to times new roman) and size

From: Stephen Viles (
Date: Fri May 30 2003 - 07:51:35 EDT

  • Next message: Christian Neumair: "[PATCH] Re: [PATCH] Header/Footer dialog HIGification patch"


    Attached patch to pt_PT_InsertStrux.cpp fixes this bug for me.

    The two problems were:

    1. pt_PieceTable::_computeFmtMarkForNewBlock was not returning
    anything if dpos was at the start of a paragraph

    2. In pt_PieceTable::_realInsertStrux, the if statement at line
    411 never evaluated to true (as far as I could tell).

    Can someone please review this and let me know if I got it right.

    Cheers - Stephen.

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