RFC: UI images as external files

From: Hubert Figuiere (hfiguiere_at_teaser.fr)
Date: Fri Nov 07 2003 - 06:12:26 EST

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "[ADMIN] antispam archive"


    currently all of our Toolbar and menu images are stored inside AbiWord
    binary as static data (XPM format). I personnaly find this approach
    wastefull, and not convenient.

    So I'd like to remove them and make them separate PNG files in the
    source tree. This require quite some work in XP land as well as each
    platform, and might not be of everyones taste.
    Each platform would have to:
     -change the build system to include them the way they like.
      For example, on Win32, you'd like to put them as resources, GTK/GNOME,
    as separate installed file, MacOS X, inside the bundle

      -remove the xpm transformation to handle this new type (so in the
    above step, it might be a good idea to make these as native data format)

    So if no one object, I'll do lot of changes in that area, replacing the
    XPM by PNG.

       -reduce binary size. This can be significant
       -simplify the loading of icons for menus and toolbars and speed that
    up (start up time)
       -these can be changed without recompiling (would allow theming)
       -better integration with platforms

       -on some platform it may require more files to install
       -increase build process complexity
       -change something that already works
       -more work for platform maintainers.
    If you have any comment/ideas, let me know. I'll post an overview of
    what changes once I have something that works.


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    it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it
    is." --  http://www.bash.org/?5273

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