programming models (was Re: More thoughts on AbiShow)

From: Leonard Rosenthol (
Date: Fri Nov 07 2003 - 10:30:38 EST

  • Next message: Daniel Glassey: "Re: ditching was Re: Commit: 5291"

    At 9:52 AM -0400 11/7/03, Randy Kramer wrote:
    >Background: I started programming before top-down / bottom-up was an issue,
    >lived through the top-down "craze", and have always felt (still do, and
    >finally recently found someone brave enough to say it in print), that you
    >need a combination of both.

            I would agree 100%!

    > Maybe a partial way to express my feelings is
    >that top down is good, but you have to know enough from the bottom up
    >viewpoint to know that your top down approach is implementable.

            No question! (if not, the result is "design by marketing"!)

    >When I hear someone advocate one or the other (like Leonard *seems* to favor
    >top down by saying "Worrying about the text layout engine comes MUCH later.")

            I am saying that not so much as a "design edict", but that I
    don't think Martin has spent enough time with presentation programs
    or talked with other users of them, to really understand the "market".

            I am just getting him (and others interested) to see the
    larger picture as a place to then help focus the "internals".

    >I wonder what, in their background,
    >education, experience, or whatever, makes them advocate one approach over the

            Too many years in the industry ;).

            20 years ago (or so), I was also doing a lot of "code first,
    design later" type work and although the results were usable they
    weren't always the best possible for the customer or for long term
    viability. I learned (the hard way, sometimes!) that there is a
    necessary amount of research & design that needs to take place in
    order to "get it right".

            Just trying to impart that "wisdom"...


    Leonard Rosenthol                            <>

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