Re: [Fwd: [Patents] MS Office 2003 XML patented]

From: Dom Lachowicz (
Date: Mon Nov 17 2003 - 14:37:52 EST

  • Next message: Rui Miguel Seabra: "Re: [Fwd: [Patents] MS Office 2003 XML patented]"

    > If Dom has not already decided to ignore this thread
    > entirely I'm sure he
    > will have something wise to say.

    Heh :)

    IANAL, of course. I'm going to re-read their license,
    the GPL, the slashdot discussions, etc... and spend
    some time contemplating it all when I'm not at work.

    My gut reaction (based on the 15 seconds I've spent
    reading the license) based on my quick glance at this
    license and the GPL is as follows:

    I think that we could get away with writing an
    implementation that reads/writes this format, provided
    we add the MSFT disclaimer (similar to our WordPerfect
    disclaimer). This may require me to dual-license any
    such plugin (or license it under something like the
    BSD license), but I'd be willing to do so.

    Anyway, no sage advice from me yet - only a
    (potentially wrong) gut reaction. I'll have something
    more concrete sometime tomorrow.


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