Re: Win32 Stable testing build?

From: Ryan Pavlik (
Date: Tue Nov 18 2003 - 23:16:15 EST

  • Next message: Ryan Pavlik: "Re: Win32 Stable testing build? Yeah!"

    Kenneth J. Davis wrote:

    >nightly STABLE 2 builds are there as well
    >(and if look hard enough, even the last STABLE 1 nightlies)
    >However, as I haven't updated that one page yet to reflect recent
    >build changes (a new build computer and builds available
    >for several different Win32 compilers), you need to skip
    >the primary nightly page to get to them ... have a look in
    >(eventually I'll add a symlink for this one as I did for Head)
    >>Subject: Win32 Stable testing build?
    >>Hello list!
    >>I'm wondering if anyone knows where I could get a nightly (from CVS)
    >>build of the STABLE (2.0) tree for Win32...
    >>I've checked, where I get my CVS-HEAD nightlies, but
    >>that's all they have there.
    >>I'd really like to test and get rid of these win32 bugs (esp. printing)
    >>on Stable, so if someone could help me out, that would rock!
    >>Thank you!
    >>Ryan Pavlik
    Alrighty, thanks for that link!
    Is there some way that you could adapt that nightlydownloader from CVS
    HEAD to work on Stable 2 as well?

    That would be even spiffier!

    In any case, thanks, and I'm off to check out those bugs!


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