Win32 font handling

From: J.M. Maurer (
Date: Wed Nov 26 2003 - 21:44:00 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Re: Win32 font handling"

    Jordi, I tested Win32 STABLE CVS for its font handling, and it ROCKS. Your patch
    was great! Thanks a lot.

    Now, Win32 HEAD is totally b0rked for some reason with respect to font handling.
    For example, use some zoom setting (150% seems to do the trick), and type
    "fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff" (the exact number of
    f's does not seem matter :-P ) I'll try to figure out what it causing this, but
    any help would be appreciated. I'd like to have that fixed again asap, cause I
    hate regressions, even in development versions :-)

    /me heads off to bed

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