commit (HEAD): reduce character measuring

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 14:22:03 EST

  • Next message: Marc Maurer: "Commit (HEAD): Re: commit: fixes 5990"

    up to now every time fp_TextRun::recalcWidth() was called (i.e., when
    runs merged, run was split, characters deleted from it, etc.), we re-
    measured every character in the run. This is more often than not
    unnecessary. I moved the the code that measures characters into
    fp_TextRun::_measureCharWidths() only called from
    fp_TextRun::_refreshDrawBuffer(), so that characters get only re-
    measured when the content of the draw buffer is recalculated. Most
    calls to fp_TextRun::recalcWidth() now result in simple adding of the
    widths in the block cache.

    I have not had the chance to do any profiling, but this should
    substantially reduce calls to the character measuring routines of the

    files: fp_Run.h/cpp, fp_TextRun.h/cpp, fl_BlockLayout.cpp/h


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