What's the status of bug [Bug 5748] - Char widths are not properly calculated?]

From: msevior@physics.unimelb.edu.au
Date: Fri Oct 03 2003 - 09:54:15 EDT

  • Next message: msevior@physics.unimelb.edu.au: "commit: Save background images in abw files."

    > Hello,
    > What's the status of Bug 5748 - Char widths are not properly
    > calculated? Is some one working on this? We should fix this one to be
    > able to release a win32 2.0 build.

    Hi Jordi,
             As far as I know, the status is that the code is pretty much as
    left it just before the 2.0 release. It mostly works on my WinME

    It has the following issues:

    1. On my box it sometimes picks *VERY Strange* fonts at some zooms. I
    have no idea why. It appears to fail bady at zooms of around 75% or

    2. At zoom 75% and above it gets the char widths right on my box.

    3. Printing mostly works on my box although the character heights have
    a zoom dependence leading to some non-WYSIWYG number of lines per page
    at some zooms.

    4. On your box you get some runs where text overlaps previous runs.

    5. I won't accept any code where the char widths have any dependecy on
    the zoom of the graphics class. The character widths MUST be independent
    of the zoom otherwise the assumptions of the layout classes break down.

    6. The text must always be placed according the charWidths unless the
    charWidth pointer is NULL. Otherwise the assumptions of the layout
    classes break down.

    7. I suspect that the Windows GDI is doing some scaling of text but I
    don't know enough about the Windows GDI to verify this and nobody has
    answered my questions about it.

    YES YES YES please fix this this! I suspect the fix is less than 50 LOC.
    We would all love to release AbiWord 2.0.1 with all our lovely bugfixes
    and a kick-arse Windows binary.



    > Thanks,
    > --
    > Jordi Mas i Hernāndez (homepage http://www.softcatala.org/~jmas)
    > http://www.softcatala.org

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