Re: What's the status of bug [Bug 5748] - Char widths are not properly calculated?]

Date: Sat Oct 04 2003 - 11:17:46 EDT

  • Next message: "commit: Don;t use harded coded strings."

    > Martin,
    >> YES YES YES please fix this this! I suspect the fix is less than 50
    >> LOC. We would all love to release AbiWord 2.0.1 with all our lovely
    >> bugfixes and a kick-arse Windows binary.
    > Some findings:
    > 1. If I define NEW_SCALE to 0 at gr_Win32Graphics.cpp and I activate the
    > #define _UL(x) pGr->tlu((x)) and #define _UUL(x) (x) = pGr->tlu((x))
    > macros at
    > gr_Win32CharWidths.cpp it works fine.
    > It seems that the problem is the new scaling code.

    Hi Jordi,
              PLEASE look at what pG->tlu(x) does.

    UT_sint32 GR_Graphics::tlu(UT_sint32 deviceUnits) const
            return static_cast<UT_sint32>((static_cast<double>(deviceUnits) *
    static_cast<double>(getResolution()) /
    static_cast<double>(getDeviceResolution())) * 100. /
    static_cast<double>(getZoomPercentage()) + 0.5);

    See that getZoomPercentage() call? If you put a call to tlu in
    gr_Win32CharWidths class then your charwidths are going to change with

    Try this simple test. With your changes, load up a document of at least 15

    Change the zoom to a number of different values. Does the document look
    the same at all zooms? Do the lines break at the same points at all zooms?
    Do you have exactly the same number of lines on the last page at all

    On the Unix build you do because the charwidths have no dependence on the
    zoom value. The charwidths used for the layout of the text on the screen
    are the same at all zooms and for printing as well as typing. The Windows
    FE should do the same. It's a challenge for us to come up with code which
    does this for Windows. I'm certainly not saying the code I wrote must be
    preserved but I am saying that whatever you write CANNOT USE tlu() in the
    GR_Win32CharWidths class.

    On CVS HEAD the Unix build now instantly zooms no matter how big the
    document because we can simply replace one graphics class with another and
    repaint the screen. Since the layout is independent of zoom this works

    That tip for negative logfont is great please apply that.

    I'm fairly sure your problem with runs being overwritten comes from some
    code paths in the
    GR_Win32Graphics::drawChars(const UT_UCSChar* pChars,
                                            int iCharOffset, int iLengthOrig,
                                            UT_sint32 xoff, UT_sint32 yoff,
                                            int * pCharWidths)

    method which for some reason to do with specific Windows configurations
    is not using the pCharWidths supplied.

    As I said, on my WinME box and on other Windows configurations the problem
    with the overlapping runs does not happen. I've asked Oliver Schurr to
    investigate and he agrees with me. We simply don't see the bug.
    > 2. Forcing a negative value at lfHeight value of the LOGFONT[1]
    > structure makes Abiword to display a much more clean fonts and to work
    > much much better in my configuration. The negative value at the font
    > height makes the font mapper transforms this value into device units
    > and matches its absolute value against the character height of the
    > available fonts.

    Thanks for investigating this Jordi, please apply the negative logfont patch.

    > However, the charwiths of some chars at some zoom values are still to
    > wide.
    > Please, apply the patch and tell me how it fells.

    I'm sorry I won't commit code that puts calls to tlu in
    GR_Win32CharWidths. However you are the Win32 maintainer and if after
    your best efforts you
    can't find another solution, do what you feel you should do.

    Best Regards,


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