On Gnome, Abiword and bloat

From: Marco Fioretti (m.fioretti@inwind.it)
Date: Mon Oct 13 2003 - 12:43:46 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Re: commit:..Re: Instant Zoom will return right......"

    > > It is the one without Gnome integration (= less bloat!!)
    > Please refrain from making such statements on this list. It's not helpfull in
    any way.
    > Thanks,
    > Marc
    As already mentioned, I am trying to make this work for the RULE project
    (http://www.rule-project.org/en/). In *that* context, as already mentioned here:

    OOo, Gnome, Kde, and a whole lot more of other free software is, without doubt,
    "overdimensioned, overfeatured, full of stuff that most users will never need,
    without any actual need to a whole bunch of other packages with the same features".

    My statement is referred to that context, and in *that* context I confirm it.
    I have no intention to force anybody to agree with me on that in every situation.
    or to use the same spartan GUI which suits me. No problem, really.

    Here and now, all I care for (back to Abiword) is to find out how to install it
    with the smallest
    possible number of dependencies, and for a very practical reason, no time to waste
    over personal preferencies or pure religion wars.

    Marco Fioretti

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