Win32 tinderbox back up

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Sun Oct 19 2003 - 18:39:18 EDT

  • Next message: Dom Lachowicz: "Commit: 5946, 5927"

    For those who didn't notice :-)
    My Win32 tinderbox is back up and going. I switched
    it to a new computer (my spare, so don't be suprised
    if tinderbox disapears on Fri/Sat night sometimes)
    and updated my cygwin & msys set. Also as soon as I get
    a chance it will have all the MS VC compilers I own
    [except VC4, which I have no intention of installing]
    so you can see the status of MinGW (msys 1.0.10-rc2 with
    MinGW 3.1.0-1/w32api 2.4), MS VC 5SP3, 6SP5, 7, and 7.1*.
    *Presently I have yet to install 7.1; 7 & 7.1 are standard
    editions, whereas 5 & 6 are Pro/Enterprise.
    Note that source tarballs are once again updated on my
    site, Unix users note they now have DOS/Win EOLs so
    you will probably need to run d2u/dos2unix/whatever on
    them. [If there is a strong interest, I may be able to
    switch back to using cygwin's cvs and so they have Unix
    EOLs, but if not I prefer using cvsnt.]

    Until I get a chance to update my site ( the
    Win32 nightly downloader won't notice any updates, as
    builds are now placed in %TAG%/%CCNAME%/ where %TAG%
    is the build (HEAD, ABI-2-0-0-STABLE, etc) and %CCNAME%
    is the compiler used to compile it (e.g. MinGW, MSVC7,...).
    I'm going to add a symlink (always fun to do without
    shell access ;-) to one of these [VC6 or VC7.1 build,
    anyone with a preference?] Yes Stable2 cvs builds are
    now available on a regular basis. [Stable1 does not
    build with my cygwin 1.5.5 install, some configure error
    related to psiconv, I'm so happy Win now if fully Make

    Please be patient for the next week (or so) as a few
    bugs in my new setup may pop-up. After that I'll go back
    to my periodic checking, so email me if you notice a


    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Sun Oct 19 2003 - 18:39:46 EDT