Re[2]: Win32 2.0.1 build with plugins

From: Kenneth J. Davis (
Date: Fri Oct 31 2003 - 12:24:29 EST

  • Next message: Jordi Mas: "Re: Win32 2.0.1 build with plugins"

    On Fri, 31 Oct 2003 17:40:10 +0100 Marc Maurer <> wrote:

    MM> Btw, would it be possible to merge the IE and GIE plugin packages?
    MM> Thx a lot,
    MM> Marc

    Yes and no. I separated them as the Glib runtime*[1] adds 1.7 MB and
    for those not wanting Open/Star Office or WordPerfect support, that
    is a big chunk (even when compressed) to download. So I compromised
    and split the importer/exporters up for those of us downloading
    with a modem. Another option is to separate it into I/E plugins with
    a seperate Glib runtime download; then those with Glib already
    do not have to download it again for those plugins that need it and
    those that don't want them aren't downloading too much extra; also
    the I/E installer can be setup to optionally download the Glib
    runtime at install time if one of the plugins that requires it is
    selected and glib is not already found*[2].

    [1] This is glib, gobject, plus iconv; with iconv about .8MB
    [2] Presently our Glib/GSF plugin installer copies them locally and
        ignores if Gtk/Glib was already installed (such as for the Gimp).
        However, it is on my list for consideration to add checking the
        registry and use the shared Gtk/Glib installed if found; but
        I'm waiting to determine what version of Glib the Windows binary
        should use. Presently I include the binaries from the WinGimp
        site, but may switch to the ones from However,
        both of these sites are more geared towards Gtk and not Glib.
        I'm probably forgetting some options, or whatever, but the point
        is that the Glib/GSF based plugins on Windows are best to be
        considered as separate from the other I/Es while the kinks are
        worked out.

    There is also the Windows mega-installer or whatnot, that will include
    all the plugins in the same installer as AbiWord proper, to be available
    soon (I want to at least try and build the Word Perfect and ImageMagick
    plugins first).


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