overlapping characters

From: Kenneth J. Davis (jeremyd@computer.org)
Date: Sun Sep 07 2003 - 19:55:55 EDT

  • Next message: Mark Gilbert: "Re: abiword 1.99.6 dies: All font failbacks failed"

    using a font such as Luxi Serif or to a lesser extent Luxi Sans
    (Luxi Serif is default font I get on my Slackware setup)
    and nearly current cvs HEAD, I get similar behaviour
    that I get on Windows, in that the characters overlap, though
    here they seem to overlay instead of overwriting prior characters.

    I'd appreciate it if someone with Linux, current cvs, and
    that has one of the Luxi Serif/Sans fonts would load
    abi/src/docs/build/BUILD.zabw and tell me what they see.
    Alternatively, start a new document, select Luxi Serif and
    type a bunch of n and m letters. Or use o and Utopia font.

    I'm curious if its how the font is supposed to work (seems odd),
    my setup is screwed up (possible, but is pretty much an unchanged
    full Slack install), or what. Note: courier and luxi mono fonts
    work wonderfully (no overlapping or cursor positioning being off)
    and zoom makes no difference; so maybe it is just the fonts?


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