Re: abiword 1.99.6 dies: All font failbacks failed

From: Leonid Petrov (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 22:58:05 EDT

  • Next message: Michael D. Pritchett: "commit - Bugfix #5719"

    Hi, all,
       I have resolved the issue. In the past I made fontconfig installation
    several times. After detailed inspection of my system I found include files
    for fontconfig version 1.0.2 in /usr/X11R6/include and for version 2.2.90 in
    /usr/include . Apparently configure did not detect it, and it compiled with
    include files of one version of fontconfig, but linked to the shared library
    of another version. As a result it either could not find any font or crashed
    at the very beginning. I removed stale include files and fontconfig library,
    rerun configure, re-compiled and linked pango and abiword. Now abiword works.


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