commit: FIx not clearing of runs sometimes.

From: Martin Sevior (
Date: Tue Sep 23 2003 - 00:35:12 EDT

  • Next message: Martin Sevior: "commit: Finalize implementation for stylist."

    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: fmt/xp/fp_Line.cpp fmt/xp/fp_Run.cpp fmt/xp/fp_Run.h
    CVS: fmt/xp/fp_TextRun.cpp
    Fix not clearing of runs under some circumstances.
                                                                                    A Bug was described on IRC that demonstrated we needed to distinguish between runs that have been cleared and runs that needed to be redrawn.

    Sometimes we clear the last little bit of a previous run to get rid of
    pixel dirt. That run needs to be redrawn - but it hasn't been cleared.

    So now we make the distinction.

    This should be backported to 2.0


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