Re: 5291 RTF import slow

From: Mike Nordell (
Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 04:54:37 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: 5291 RTF import slow"

    Hubert Figuiere wrote:

    > Something we should investigate is whether we often compare property
    > names from inside the PieceTable or beetween PieceTable and stuff loaded
    > from the file.
    > The idea is to use "token" inside the piecetable (think numeral
    > constants or enums) and only compare that.

    This has been brought up earlier:

    > After that we just need to
    > associate a string property name with a constant. BTW, that would
    > probably save some RAM too as a 4byte int is smaller than a string.

    The property system itself would obviously need both, why that wouldn't save
    anything. The only place I see any possible memory savings would be if the
    properties (in the document) after parsing were represented by something
    like the following. Please disregard struct/class and whatever, it's only a
    pseudo-ish idea.

    struct DocProp
        bool isEnum;
        union {
            enum Propert prop;
            char* pszDocOwnedProp; /* for unknown but still saved props */

    Just an idea.


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