commit (head): bidi work

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Fri Apr 23 2004 - 11:37:04 EDT

  • Next message: Hubert Figuiere: "Commit (HEAD&STABLE): plugins: nroff fix crasher"

    Some refactoring of bidi code: we now access the fribidi library via
    a handful of UT_bidi*() functions defined in ut_string.h; in
    addition, I have replaced the constants defined in fribidi.h with
    UT_BIDI_ constants. This makes it relatively easy to remove the
    fribidi dependency by reimplementing the UT_bidi*() functions in
    platform code; I am considering doing this on win32 since the system
    provides us with a native bidi API. These changes also makes it
    possible to disable bidi processing by simply replacing the current
    UT_bidi*() implementaitons with dummies.

    This should not break anything, as the changes are mostly formal
    changes of names.

    files: quite a few


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