Spell Checking with Quechua ispell dictionary?

From: Amos Batto <amosbatto_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu Aug 05 2004 - 19:31:16 CEST

I have a few questions about putting Abiword in
Quechua (an indigenous language of the Andes).

I created the Quechua translation PO file in 8 bit
Unicode (UTF-8), and
all the characters in Abiword 2.0.8 (on Windows 98)
appear fine in the menus and dialog boxes, but the
same characters donīt appear correctly in the status
bar. I assume that Windows 98 is using another
character set like ISO-8859-1. Is there anything that
I can do about this problem?

In addition to working on a quechua translation, I
have been created an Ispell dictionary for Quechua.
Could somebody please add Bolivian Quechua
qu-BO) as a language option for spell-checking.

I canīt get the spell checking to work with my
qu-BO.hash file. Abiword 2.0.8 refuses to load it
in Windows. The hash file works fine with ispell
running in Mandrake 9 when I build the hash file using
plain text files. When I try to save the text files
as ISO-8859-1 text and build the hash file (using
buildhash). I get all sorts of errors. I noticed that
most of the other dictionaries are in ISO-8859-1. Any
suggestions as to how I can build the hash file using
ISO-8859-1? Or how can I get Abiword to load the
Ispell dictionary using plain text?

 Take Care,
 Amos Batto (abatto@indiana.edu)

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