Macosx build

From: Nalmar <>
Date: Thu Aug 19 2004 - 06:26:43 CEST

here is how I managed to build the abicocoa module. I must say some of
my solutions are hack so I send it here so someone can find the real
solution and fix it.

the source is from cvs, on 2004-08-19

I tried to build it using the script

1- there is a problem in expat/lib/xmlparse.c around line 70 where
somehow, the HAVE_MEMMOVE isn't defined even if macosx support it. I
added the line 71 to get past the error but the real solution is out of
my league.

      71 #define HAVE_MEMMOVE
      72 /* Handle the case where memmove() doesn't exist. */
      73 #ifndef HAVE_MEMMOVE
      74 #ifdef HAVE_BCOPY
      75 #define memmove(d,s,l) bcopy((s),(d),(l))
      76 #else
      77 #error memmove does not exist on this platform, nor is a
substitute available
      78 #endif /* HAVE_BCOPY */
      79 #endif /* HAVE_MEMMOVE */

2- 2 files are not included in the project abipbx2.pbproj :
which cause undefined symbols when it's trying to link the executable.
Adding those 2 files with xcode to the project fix that

3- when running the resulting application, it crash with the following
message on the console :
can't open library: /usr@executable_path/../Frameworks/libintl.1.dylib
(No such file or directory, errno = 2)

My "solution" is to
        ln -s /Developer/source/abicocoa/BUILD/
which work but again, the real solution is out of my league. Somehow,
the "usr@executable_path" should have been replaced with the executable
path but it hasn't

Hope the info can be useful
Received on Thu Aug 19 06:14:20 2004

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