commit: FormatTable enhancements

From: Jordi Mas <>
Date: Sun Dec 26 2004 - 21:12:18 CET

With these changes the Win32 FormatTable dialog box has the same features that
the Linux one

CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
CVS: Committing in .
CVS: Modified Files:CVS:
CVS: ap_Win32Dialog_FormatTable.cpp ap_Win32Dialog_FormatTable.h
CVS: ap_Win32Res_FormatTable.rc2
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

- Add Background image controls (set image, no image...)
- Add Thickness combobox
- Resizes the box and relocates controls

Jordi Mas i Hernāndez
Homepage and LiveJournal at
Received on Sun Dec 26 21:09:21 2004

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