How can I add support for that document?

From: Michael Rosenbruch (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 15:06:52 EST

  • Next message: Francis James Franklin: "commit: abiword-plugins (STABLE): build fixes etc."

    we would use abiword in our company if the following document open
    correct. I would add the necessary features if it is not to difficult to

    The document contains a frame with a fix position in the upper right
    corner with some paragraph in them. At the moment it is displayed totaly
    wrong. (It is created from MSWord-5.x a very old UNIX-Version).

    Where could I start with to get that right?


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    \sectd \ds105\linex567\headery709\footery697\colsx708\endnhere \pard
    \plain \f3\fs16 Datum:\plain \f3 \tab \plain \f3\fs22 04.02.2002\par
    \plain \f3\fs16 Sachbearbeiter:\plain \f3 \tab \plain \f3\fs22 Herr Dipl.-Phys. Rosenbruch \line \plain \f3\fs16 (0 89) 8 29 17 - 454
    \line \par
    \plain \f3\fs16 Ihre Ident.-Nr.:\tab \plain \f3\fs22 01000\par
    \plain \f3\fs16 Anlagen-Nr.:\plain \f3 \tab \plain \f3\fs22 100-00454\line \plain \f3\fs16 Liegenschaft:
    \line \plain \f3\fs22 Bayerdillinger Str. 29\line 86641 Rain\line \line \line \par
    \pard \sl-300\sb1000\sa1418 \plain \f3\fs22 \line \line \line Bayerdillinger Str. 29
    \line \line 86641 Rain\par
    \pard \sl-300 \plain \f3\fs22 Sehr geehrte D\'84men und Herren\par
    \pard \keep\sl-300\sb240 \plain \f3\fs22 Mit freundlichen Gr\'81\'e1en\line \line BFW Werner V
    \'94lk GmbH\line B\'81ro f\'81r W\'84rmeme\'e1ger\'84te\line \line i. A.\par

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Tue Feb 10 2004 - 14:58:49 EST