Re: turning bidi off

Date: Wed Jan 21 2004 - 02:28:54 EST

  • Next message: Omer Zak: "Going for the general solution? (was: Re: turning bidi off)"

    On 20 Jan 2004 at 17:04, Omer Zak wrote:

    > On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 wrote:
    > > >> Can we optionally turn off BIDI on a document-by-document
    > > >> basis?I have a multilingual text that I absolutely need to see in
    > > >> logical (as LTR), not visual, order.


    > This may be problematic in Win32, where the native BiDi algorithm is
    > forced down the user's throat.

    We use Fribidi on all platforms, including win32.

    Basically what is needed is to add third value to the document level
    dom-dir property called "logical" and propagete it down into fp_Run
    and fp_Line. That in itself is just a few lines of code. We also will need
    some interface (I hate designing dialogs).

    One question for Raphael, though: when you say logical, would you
    expect the logical sequence to be laid out from left to right, or would it
    be preferrable to have two options 'logical-ltr' and 'logical-rtl', so that
    the user could chose to have the text drawn either way (I imagine a
    predominantly Hebrew text, for example, might be easier to work with if
    the logical sequence is laid out from right to left).



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