commit (HEAD): line breaking

From: Tomas Frydrych (
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 12:18:48 EST

  • Next message: "Re: commit (HEAD): line breaking"

    I have removed GR_Graphics::canBreakAt(ucs4 c) and replaced it with
    GR_Graphics::canBreak(GR_RenderInfo &, sint32 &) which allows for a
    more generalised approach to line breaking.

    This should be last of the graphics changes for now: I now finally
    have the api needed to make use of much of the functionality provided
    by the Uniscribe engine, i.e., it will be possible to release it as a
    plugin compatible with the next 2.1.x release. We should now also be
    in position to write a Pango-based graphics class for Unix.

    I appreciate everyone's patience with the problems these changes
    introduced and help with fixing things up.


    files: gr_Graphics.h/cpp, gr_Win32USPGraphics.h/cpp, fp_TextRun.cpp

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