Commit (HEAD): Psion exporter bullets and images

From: Frodo Looijaard (
Date: Mon Mar 22 2004 - 16:39:42 EST

  • Next message: Frodo Looijaard: "Pictures and exporters"

    (Frodo) Extend the Psion exporter with bullets and images.
    You still need psiconv-0.9.4 or newer. Current Psiconv CVS has a bug fix which
    solves some image problems. Nothing critical though.
    Images of type image/png in AbiWord documents are now translated into proper
    Psion images. Other types of images are not yet supported.
    Some basic bullet support is added. That is, if a paragraph has a FD_ListLabel
    field, we add a bullet in the paragraph. We can not do much better, due to
    restrictions in the Psion Word file format.
    The importer has just an no-longer-actual comment deleted.
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    CVS: Enter Log. Lines beginning with `CVS:' are removed automatically
    CVS: Committing in .
    CVS: Modified Files:
    CVS: xp/ie_exp_Psion.cpp xp/ie_exp_Psion.h xp/ie_imp_Psion.cpp
    CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Frodo Looijaard <>  PGP key and more:
    Defenestration n. (formal or joc.):
      The act of removing Windows from your computer in disgust, usually followed
      by the installation of Linux or some other Unix-like operating system.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Mon Mar 22 2004 - 16:42:38 EST